Amman Waheed.

Computer Science Student

University of Waterloo

Who Am I?

Hello world, the name's Amman Waheed. I am working towards a Bachelor of Computer Science Degree at the University of Waterloo

Looking forward to learn more code!

Currently knowledgeable in Java, JavaScipt, HTML, CSS, Python, C++, and several tools such as JSON, APIs, and Node.js, I have a lot to learn from and outside these languages and constantly doing so. Check out my GitHub.

Upcoming Projects

Recently joined University of Waterloo's Midnight Sun Solar Car team (Strategy Team) and working with high school students to continue the hackathon, Hack the Hammer.


I'm an avid badminton and table tennis (mostly on the Wii, for now) player, playing mostly in school clubs and city qualifiers.


Other then coding, some of my favourtie passtimes is learning new origamies and watching shows and movies (especially Avengers and Naruto!).

Hack the Hammer - Logisitics Director

A 36-hour hackathon hosted by students of Westdale Secondary School in Hamilton is an event where high school students across the GTHA come together to learn... how to code! As the logistics director ...

Scantry - EC Hacks

Developed a mobile app that allows a user to scan various foods and store them in a digital pantry that also allows direct access without the use of Wi-Fi. As a group, we used multiple skills and tools such as ...

A Flash to the Past - Adventure Action Game

Developed using Java, LWJGL and Slick2D libraries to create an interactive RPG-styled game that implements object-oriented programming to dynamically defeat enemies and bosses and win the game! Source code here!

Get in touch!

Currently seeking internships for Summer 2021, so if this portfolio is worth talking about, I would more than want to seek new oppurtunities lying ahead!